The European Union coming out with the news has banned the use of false currencies in video games. What does it mean? It means no more hiding the actual price of items behind so-called virtual currencies. This regulation is really for the welfare of children, protecting them from skimming tricks in games. Just remove the mask so everyone can see the real face behind it.


Ever seen heading, “Buy 500 V-Bucks for $5!”? Yet, that goes on to reveal that for a dope skin, you need 1,200 V-Bucks. Oh surprise! You spend another 5 just to get that many V-Bucks. That has now changed with the EU. They want prices out there, plain and clear, above board, with no shadows of those coins.

To the delight of all gamers! It will make spending simpler, no guesswork. Just real money for real stuff. Just imagine Fortnite with a skin that says, “Skin costs $9.60!” That will certainly help back kids with the understanding of what they are spending. Right?

All the gamers are very excited about this news. One gamer said, “No more V-bucks! Back to real bucks!” They believe that this is going to turn around the way in which games will be sold to players. Another player chipped in: “I hope this means less of those tricks to make you buy more coins!” Many people seem to agree that this is a positive step forwards.

Anyway, not everyone agrees. Others, such as gamers, claim that children will not grasp the concept of money; they’re just going to be confused by this change. In fact, one gamer stated: “Many kids don’t know the value of money, even with this change.” True! The children will never understand how much they are spending, even with transparent prices.

Others said, “I hope Australia ends up doing so!” Many seem to be in support of this type of Bill being passed everywhere. Clear pricing: they want it around the world!

Microtransactions should benefit greatly from this development. Instead of buying a bunch of coins, you just get what you feel like buying. “You won’t have to buy 5,500 crowns just for something that costs 5,000 crowns!” Isn’t it a win-win?

Yet some gamers have fears. Does this mean free V-Bucks you get in-game are in trouble? Said one player: “On one hand, I get it. On the other, I hope it doesn’t affect free V-Bucks.” Definitely a concern!

Now, that’s a big step farther into the gaming future. Transparency and the benefit of all. It allows the players to really see actual prices. Game systems may even be rewritten forever!


So, do you support this decision? Crazy excited seeing realistic prices on your favorite games? Lets move forward with this flow and make the gaming universe better for all!