Fallout 76 is an action RPG game from the Fallout series developed by the Bethesda Game Studios. A few days ago, the game was announced to be getting its public test server sometime in 2020, which allows gamers to play the new features of this upcoming game, as well as for developers to refine and improve the game before launching it into the live game servers. This confirmation was announced earlier this week by the game’s publisher, Bethesda, in the recent blog post of its official website.


The next massive content update for the game would be the “Wastelanders” update, which will be released in the coming fall. The Eurogamer stated that the game developers are working on some PC problems and life upgrades’ quality that gamers have asked for since some time ago. The principal plan that the developer is currently working on, however, will be the game’s public test server.


In the latest post, the game developers stated that they would be able to release more information about the test server once they figure out all if not most of the kinks. They also promised to release more details on how players can join the test once everything is sorted out.

Apart from the official announcement about the public test server that is going to be launched next year, the game publisher does not provide any additional details on the topic at hand. Nevertheless, the test server is generally useful as a tool to experiment on new features. A test server that will be employed on the game will make the whole process of new content introduction somewhat smoother and quicker.

The director of Bethesda, Todd Howard, admitted that the thing he regretted the most about the game was that the developers did not run the beta for a much longer time before the release.

The company also stated its plan on introducing a new system called the Perk Loadout sometime in 2020. This system allows gamers to form distinct configurations for perks on various roles and undertaking, as well as swapping them out when required.

The developers further added that this system is also one of their anticipated work-in-progress. Just like the upcoming arrival of the test server, they are thrilled to release the system out for players. However, considering that the system is still a ways off from completion, the developers are on hold to share more details about its upcoming system upgrade.


Other features included in the upcoming game are the multi-factor authentification for the website’s accounts, a fixed social menu for players that play on PC, refined cooldowns for public occasions, and the system of “Legendary Player.”