The resurgence of Cyberpunk 2077 begins, as seen by the game’s ascent up the bestseller lists on Steam to one of the best rankings. Due to the popularity of the anime spin-off that it shares with Netflix, Edgerunners, Cyberpunk 2077 has risen to become the third best-selling game on Steam and one of the greatest titles on GOG.


This news reports that Cyberpunk 2077 has been one of the most played games across all platforms this week, averaging one million players daily. This achievement was straightforward to track on PC, with an immediate increase in player count being observed on Steam. Now that word of its increasing sales has surfaced, it implies that Edgerunners is not only luring back old players but also persuading newbies to give the infamous RPG a try, despite the negative criticism it has received in the past.

Next to Slime Rancher 2 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Cyberpunk 2077 is presently in third place on the bestsellers list on Steam. Although this is its second week in a row in the top 100, it is its very first time in the top ten. Since the previous week, the game has advanced 36 places, demonstrating that the Edgerunners craze is still strong.

Although it is not obvious whether the list of GOG’s best-selling games is arranged in any specific order, it is not surprising that Cyberpunk 2077 is included on the list.


Of course, the anime and impending downloadable content aren’t the only things that are giving Cyberpunk a bump in popularity. The game was discounted to half price across all platforms (except Google Stadia) over the last weekend, as we had previously reported. However, this bargain appears to have been made available for a longer period since then, as the discount is now scheduled to expire in two days.