When Final Fantasy VII Remake drops next month, Square Enix will also be releasing a new exclusive PlayStation 4 theme that you can use to bring your entire PlayStation experience in line with the game.

The theme is free, but there is something you’ll have to do in order to get it.

Anyone who wants the theme has to download the demo for Final Fantasy VII Remake sometime before May 11.

The demo is 100% free, so even if you don’t want to play it due to the potential for spoilers, you should still at least download it if you’re hoping to get the official theme for your PlayStation home screen.

The theme features a truly iconic shot of the entire Avalanche Team, from seemingly toward the end of the game.

The shot actually recreates the last moments that the party has in Midgar, after escaping from Shinra headquarters in the original 1997 release.

We see Cloud in the center, flanked by Aerith, Red XIII, Barret, and Tifa. The full team coming together like this makes for a beautiful image as they stare out together into the sunrise. Behind them, the foreboding Shinra headquarters looms, the sky noticeably darker around it.

It is currently unknown if the theme will have some kind of accompanying music. A previous Final Fantasy VII PlayStation 4 theme, which came with a remastered version of the original Final Fantasy VII, not only showed an image of Cloud with his Buster Sword, but also included music. On top of that, as players navigate the menu screen, it makes the same sounds as the menu in the original game.

This is not the only theme being released for Final Fantasy VII Remake. A theme featuring Tifa sitting atop the well in her hometown of Nibelheim will also be available as part of the game’s promotion with Butterfinger.

Players can scan proof of purchase from participating candy packaging in order to earn points that can be redeemed for the aforementioned theme or in-game items that players can download once the game officially releases.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is only the first chapter in what Square has promised will be a multi-part epic. Each chapter is going to be the length of a full game. Essentially, Square Enix is turning one of its most iconic games of all time into a new franchise.


Final Fantasy VII Remake releases on the PlayStation 4 console on April 10, 2020.