With Animal Crossing: New Horizons Right Around The Corner, Nintendo Release One More Trailer To Keep Everyone Excited

Credit: Nintendo via YouTube

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is just around the corner, releasing worldwide on March 20th. Amid the doom and gloom of recent world events, the charming Animal Crossing series couldn’t have returned at a more apt time. New Horizons brings the promise of more adventures, challenges, and world-building fun.

The latest trailer, So many new friends, shows off even more of the cute characters on the way in New Horizons. There’s outdoor camping, crafting, garden design, fishing – just about everything you might expect from the franchise. Listen to the music and the ambient sounds and get ready for the release of New Horizons! Check out the trailer below.

For those who might have been living under the rock for the last year, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is one of the year’s most anticipated games, as it sees the return of a franchise dating back all the way to 2001. Fans of the games have had to survive with Pocket Camp, the mobile version of the game, for the past few years. The last full release was New Leaf, way back in 2012.

Speculation has been rife about the new Animal Crossing game, but much of New Horizon’s new content has been confirmed. There are dozens of new characters, fantastic ways to adapt your town to your liking, and the new crafting function gives you the freedom to truly customise your home and garden.

While lots of new features are being added, having spent some time with Animal Crossing fans, it’s the simple pleasures that make the game a hot-seller. Getting excited over the characters being able to wear backpacks, the sound the steps make on cobble paths, and the ability to cook meals in your oven…these are the small details that make the world of Animal Crossing so engrossing.

There are still one or two things yet to be seen in Animal Crossing, and you don’t have to wait much longer. Will there be microtransactions? Will you really not be able to fool the in-game clock to cheat your way through the seasons? The game releases March 20th on Nintendo Switch and is ready to download now on the Nintendo e-Shop if you want to have it ready to play on the day!