Valiant And Blowfish Studios Are Working Together To Adapt Comics Into Games

Credit: Blowfish Studios via Twitter

Comic book publisher Valiant has announced they are bringing their heroes into video games once again. When Valiant was owned by Acclaim Entertainment, they adapted many games into comics.

The first was Turok, a character many only know from the video game adaptation. Valiant has announced they’re once again turning their comic heroes into game heroes once again.

Now owned by DMG Entertainment, more possibilities are opening up for the future of Valiant Comics.

Valiant Comics stated they’ve seen a 10% increase in sales in 2019. With comic book readers becoming tired of the big two publishers Marvel and DC Comics getting all of the attention, many are turning to smaller publishers.

While comics are at the heart of Valiant, one of the characters will soon be adapted into a live-action movie. Vin Diesel is starring in the live-action adaptation of Bloodshot, coming out in early 2020.

Bloodshot is one of Valiant’s most popular characters. His summary states: “You are Bloodshot. You are the shade of gray that freedom requires. The perfect confluence of military necessity and cutting-edge technology. A walking WikiLeaks. A reservoir of dirty secrets that could set the world on fire. And you’ve just been captured.”

With the upcoming live-action film, Bloodshot may be one of the first to get the video game treatment. It’s also likely that Turok may release another game title in the future.

Valiant has also set up Harbinger at Paramount Studios with plans for a Quantum and Woody tv series in the future.

Valiant has announced they are teaming up with Blowfish Studios to bring more of their heroes into video games.

Blowfish Studios is an indie game developer and publisher. Their library includes VR, console, PC, and mobile titles. With so many platform options to release games on, Valiant will be able to bring their comics to a broader audience.

Some of Blowfish Studio’s featured games include Morphite, Projection: First Light, and Colin Thiele’s 1964 children’s book Storm Boy.

Blowfish and Valiant have stated the plan to develop the games on multiple platforms featuring some of the most popular characters from the comic universe.

Further details about which games will be in development first have not been announced. It’s likely fans will hear more about Valiant and Blowfish Studio’s game plans in 2020.