Top Esports Continued China’s League Pro League Dominance, Extended Win Streak To Seven In Week 5

Credit: Image via Riot Games

Top Esports secured another clean victory against LNG Esports in two under-25-minute games, solidifying their spot in first place in the LPL Summer Split standings.

The Mid-Season Cup winners look better than ever, carrying the momentum from their recent international event win into the Summer Split.

All of TES’ League of Legends players showed up today, producing a similar playstyle to JDG’s style in the last split that helped them capture the LPL Spring Split championship.

The odds were against LNG in this match but they put up a decent fight overall. While some pundits expected LNG to get perfect gamed, TES made a few mistakes that allowed LNG to get kills, neutral objectives, and towers.

The first game, though, was the Knight show. His performance on Syndra was unmatched. TES’ mid laner won his laning phase in the early stages of the game, securing a huge lead over his counterpart and allowing his jungler to do whatever he wanted on other sides of the map.

Knight’s dominance allowed TES to end the game at the 23-minute mark while dropping only one tower, one dragon, and one Rift Herald.

In the second game, Knight stomped LNG’s mid laner once again. His Galio was fabulous to watch, reminiscent of Faker’s carry performance on the champ at the World Championship. But while Knight was one of the favorites for the MVP vote, it went to TES ADC JackeyLove in the end. He pulled out the Ashe pick to dominate LNG’s Kai’Sa. TES didn’t drop any towers or neutral objectives in the second game, either.

TES have looked strong for the past couple of years, often finishing near the top of the region’s standings during the regular seasons and playoffs. But their recent success at the Mid-Season Cup could propel them to finally get the coveted LPL title.

All of TES’ League of Legends players showed up today, producing a similar playstyle to JDG’s style in the last split that helped them capture the LPL Spring Split championship.

TES’ next match is against FunPlus Phoenix, who has heavily improved over the past couple of matches. It’s going to be interesting to see if the former World Champions can put up a good challenge to the reigning Mid Season Cup champions. If not, perhaps someone else will put a spot to their dominance in LPL’s Summer Split.

Stay tuned for more coverage in the next couple of days.