PC Port For God Of War, Is It Possible? Game Director Says He Would Love To Have It In The Action-Packed Title

Credit: PlayStation via YouTube

There is no doubt, God of War has been among the most popular games on PlayStation. Thus, it is no longer a surprise why a lot of fans would like to see it on PC.

With this scenario, the comment of the game’s director has caught the attention of many fans. They immediately thought of the possibility of experiencing it on their desktop computers finally.

Carly Barlog, Santa Monica studio’s creative director, said he would “love” to make a PC port for the action-adventure game. This was his response to a fan who commented on the post of Kojima Productions on Twitter.

Based on the said tweet, the Japanese developer revealed the availability of Death Stranding on PC. This prodded the fan to ask if such would also be the direction of God of War.

While Barlog expressed his interest in considering the game’s loyal followers, it is still impossible. According to him, doing so is way above his paygrade and that he is “no Kojima.”

It is worth noting that several gamers have emphasized the idea that some games are better played on PC. Accordingly, the graphics are a lot better, and upgrades are easier to manage.

These could be valid reasons to give God of War fans the chance to enjoy the title on desktop. Nevertheless, they can never discount the fact that it could still be far from reality as of now.

Meanwhile, the Greek mythology-based game’s huge following has been noted as an enormous factor to have a new installment.

Fans have been pressuring the SIE Santa Monica Studio and Sony Interactive Entertainment for God of War 5. For them, the game deserves another installment, especially with the success of the fourth one.

In April last year, the whole God of War fandom was excited with the arrival of the fourth installment in the series. The game was even named as one of the top-selling titles of Sony.

The rumors about the fifth God of War‘s arrival got even stronger when the company posted a job opening. The June 14 announcement for a Senior Combat Designer stated that applicants must be knowledgeable of the game’s 2018 version. In short, the one to be hired is someone who has knowledge not only about its system but its enemies and mechanics as well.

With it being an exclusive Sony title, could it be the main game to be introduced together with the PlayStation5?

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