One Of Best Aphelios Runes, Masteries, Early And Core Items For Current League Of Legend Season Ten

Credit: leagueoflegends

As with all champions in League, Aphelios is going to require different items and runes depending on his situation in-game. That said, however, Aphelios has many items that will make the champion extremely powerful and bring out the best results in-game.



Conqueror: Given that Aphelios is going to be frequently using basic attacks, this rune will allow him to generate Conqueror stacks and adaptive force.

Overheal: Given the bonus healing precision grants, running Overheal is a great idea for Aphelios.

Legend: Bloodline: Successfully taking down enemy units is going to grant Aphelios legend stacks that will see him gain 0.6 percent bonus life steal. This small amount of life steal may seem like not much. But partnered with Overheal, this can result in Aphelios building quite a shield over time.

Coup De Grace: When playing in the bottom lane, the two champions are going to find themselves in combat often. Due to this, having a rune like Coup De Grace can grant Aphelios a small advantage over his opponent in dueling. This rune allows the champion to deal bonus damage to enemies below 40 percent health. This can often be enough to turn the tides and with exchanges in the lane.


Nimbus Cloak: One thing Aphelios lacks is the ability to escape in a threatening situation. Because his kit is all weapons and not a lot of utility, he is going to need to use summoner spells to escape losing battles.

Gathering Storm: This rune is going to make Aphelios stronger as the game progresses.

Bonuses: +10 percent attack speed, +9 adaptive force, +6 armor

Starting items

Doran’s Blade

A common choice for the majority of ADC champions in the game, Doran’s Blade is a great first item for Aphelios. This is going to see the champion gain some early bonus damage that will assist in farming minions and landing poke damage against enemy champions.

Health Potion

Being in the bottom lane where there are going to be two enemy champions most of the time, it is very wise to take Health Potion. This is going to allow the champion to heal off the damage he might receive while farming early in the game.

Core items

Infinity Edge

Infinity Edge is one of the most popular items for ADCs due to its high damage and critical strike increase. Granted that all Aphelios’s attacks are counted as basic attacks, having an item that will increase the frequency of critical strikes is going to be especially important.

Runaan’s Hurricane

Another stat that is going to be key to high damage output with Aphelios is attack speed. The speed at which he can attack directly affects the amount of critical damage he is able to output and how much damage he can deal overall.

Berserker’s Greaves

Another item that will increase the attack speed on Aphelios, Berserker’s Greaves offer 45 attack speed on top of the increase in movement speed common with all boots in the game. This bonus movement speed is going to allow the champion some extra mobility that just isn’t granted with his stock kit.