More Information Has Been Released About Kingdom Hearts 3: ReMind DLC, Square Enix Continues To Improve And Build Upon The Acclaimed Title

Credit: KINGDOM HEEARTS via YouTube

After a long wait, fans are finally learning more about the upcoming DLC for Kingdom Hearts 3, titled Kingdom Hearts 3: ReMind. Since the game’s release in January 2019, fans have been digging for any information about the next DLC drop for this esteemed title. Now, as fans enter December, it seemed less likely that the DLC update would drop this year until it was announced in Japan with an upcoming release window.

Fans gathered in Osaka, Japan, for a full event about their favorite Square Enix title. It was a full-orchestra event where fans got to enjoy music from their game along with a surprise announcement about the upcoming DLC.

After the release of Kingdom Hearts 3’s critical mode, fans have been expecting other modes to follow. It seems almost natural that there would be other modes incorporated into the title, and with this DLC announcement, several modes made their first appearance. While nothing specific has been confirmed, Twitter user Melanie was at the event and shared some information about the upcoming DLC release.

Going down her list, Photo Mode is a great chance to capture some of your favorites in-game moments or make your own. You can pose any of the game’s protagonists and antagonists in a chosen setting. Dress it up with props, create background effects, and create your own personal photos to share with friends.

Slideshow mode is built on the fun frames created in Photo mode. You can add background music, some transitions, zooms, and create a slideshow of your Photo Mode creations.

The other modes revealed had more to do with the game experience rather than extra features outside the story. Fast Pass Mode and Black Code change the difficulty of the game. There are too many settings for Melanie to catch, but what was shared is that in Fast Pass Mode, you can one-shot kill enemies. That just leaves the mysterious Black Code mode to be discovered.

There was added confirmation of the RE: Mind DLC teaser trailer that will drop in the next few weeks. There was not a release date set, but tons of potential times are expected in the first quarter of next year.

It is also worth noting that the Osaka, Japan office of Square Enix has recently listed three new positions for their primary devlopment division. These openings are all connected, somehow, to the HD Kingdom Hearts project. As fans get closer to the teaser release, they are excited to learn more about the upcoming DLC package.