Mojang Studios Has Released A Minecraft Java Edition 1.16 Pre-Release 3 Update!

Credit: Mojang Studios

Mojang Studios is pushing the pre-releases for the 1.16 update for the Java Edition version of Minecraft, and They have currently created three pre-releases for this update, all focusing on implementing and squashing various bugs that have shown themselves throughout the recent updates.

This third pre-release for the 1.16 Minecraft: Java Edition focuses on fixing a lot of bugs, some of these include Off-hand hotkey doesn’t work in inventories, Placing a block while looking at Redstone ore plays no sound, and Placing a block while looking at Redstone ore plays no sound.

These aren’t the only bugs that get squashed during this pre-release update. This is the third pre-release in the 1.16 update.

This is coming out once the bugs are crushed, and the changes that make the game more playable are changed!

Some of the Bugs are focused on the newest update that added Bees; some of the bugs include Leads are incorrectly positioned on bees, Bees don’t avoid water, killing themselves and Bee’s wandering AI tries to go through three-way corners.

Mojang Studios also listed some changes to Minecraft that has been updated, these updates include the Nether Fortress spawn rate was increased slightly, food can now be placed on an unlit campfire rather than only being able to put food on a lit campfire.

Piglins got a change in this update, and the mob will now assume you are stealing from them if they hear you break a chest or a block of gold, even if they can’t actively see the character.

For characters that love to dip in Lava, Players will be able to see more clearly as Mojang Studios has increased the visibility under lav is now slightly better when swimming in lava under the effects of fire resistance.

Some game rules have also been changed, and Minecraft will now try to attempt to recover broken worlds from 1.16 Pre-release 1. In Pre-release 3, a loading screen was added and will be displayed when Minecraft is reading world data for loading, creating, or re-creating a Minecraft world.

The game rule descriptions now span multiple lines if needed on the game rules screen. This makes reading game rule descriptions much easier.

Some more technical changes include region files are now opened in synchronous mode on Windows, but this synchronous mode isn’t available in other operating systems.