In Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, The Player Decides To Spend Time With A Bandit They Defeated Using Illusion Magic So That They Can Find Out More About Her Backstory


After befriending her, a fan of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim used Illusion magic on a bandit and heard new lines of conversation. Skyrim’s rich magic system allows for complete character and gameplay customization. In addition, spells of magic are more potent when thrown with both hands, which can have unexpected outcomes.

The cornerstones of Skyrim’s many magical schools are Conjuration, Alteration, Illusion, Destruction, and Restoration. Every esoteric discipline has its unique set of skill nodes from which one can acquire a wide range of spells and abilities. Active and passive bonuses are included, and if players continue to invest in a particular tree, they will get access to increasingly potent skills. For example, now, one of the players makes unique use of an illusion spell.

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This picture of actually likes pitbull with a bandit from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was posted on Reddit. Actuallylikespitbull has described spending time with and casting the Calm spell on their foes. Conversations about the bandit’s mom could be both entertaining and enlightening. The former adversary now considers her a friend and has mentioned how much she misses their mother’s protection.

Actuallylikespitbull explained the backstory behind this occurrence in one of the comments. After casting Fury, the user caused all the pirates on a ship to kill each other, leaving only the bandit from the outpost alive. And so, in awe of her bravery and dignity, Actuallylikespitbull decided to spare her. They said they enjoy doing similar things throughout their playing and cited other examples of how they’ve toyed with the NPCs of Skyrim.

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The fact that bandits do not solely focus on eliminating the Dragonborn seems to surprise the players. One player suggests players try the game out with a stealth character so they can hear some of the game’s more intriguing lines of conversation. While some players in Skyrim feel bad about murdering bandits, others seem to take pleasure in leaving at least one survivor to tell the story.