Huge News For Downloadable Content Cravers: Luigi’s Mansion 3 Will Drop Multiplayer DLC For Switch

Credit: Nintendo via YouTube

When it comes down to the wire, there are just a few things you can count on in this world. One of them is that downloadable content expansion packs will never be as great as you’d hope they would have been. Because, if you think about it, these games are like a big old bag of chips. Once you pop, you just can’t stop. And the simple fact of the matter is that we all need a bit more than we think we do.

So that is what ended up happening over here with Luigi’s Mansion 3. These boys just needed another taste of that classicly awesome gameplay experience that we all know and love and what they got for it instead was a whole lot of trouble they did not even ask for. But that is okay because we will able to fix it for them anyway.

Enter Nintendo. It turns out that the people behind the world’s largest series of awesome games since the 1980s have a few bones to pick, and that is why they are delivering these new DLCs with a vengeance never before seen in the video game industry. Just ask them.

It turns out that the next big DLC expansion kit for Luigi’s Mansion 3 will be a multiplayer experience, and while the folks over there at Nintendo did consider making it a single-player baby, they demurred and changed their minds at the very last second.

Why? Well, nobody is saying anything yet. But it’s probably because they didn’t want to do it in the end. That’s how these creative types work if you think about it.

Anyway, what happened is they decided to make this one a multiplayer experience. So you can suck up ghosts and things with some of your best friends on the Nintendo Switch instead of sitting at home all day in your undies eating a big old bag of Doritos. Funny how that works, huh?

I guess it’s true what they say: You can kill two birds with one stone if you try hard enough.

Here’s the new deal for Switch players: Do NOT depend on anyone for anything. Because if you were out here craving a brand new single-player experience for this bad boy, then you are bound to be feeling a lot of pain later today. Stay frosty, amigos, because those ghosts are coming down on your doorstep sometime soon. Luigi’s Mansion 3 will release its DLC sometime soon.