Gears 5 Players Now Have The Option To Either Earn The Characters Or Purchase Them With Real Money

Credit: Xbox

So much buzz has been thrown because of The Coalitions strategy of making Gears 5 microtransactions with its character acquisition. But this time, they are again hatching a new technique of engaging players by either letting them earn each character or pay a monetary amount to get them. Gears 5 ensues the old money-making method hated by many players, but this feature is still in the bucket for being a revenue-centric game.

The Gears 5 game has been continuously under the radar because of their strategy of making everything purchasable by money. The game has completely ditched the Season Pass feature which carried extra content and the Loot Boxes.

Several other in-game features need to be purchased to increase gameplay hours including the temporary boosts, XP Rates, Supply Drop, and many more. Though these elements will not affect your character’s in-game ability, they are essential for progressing through the multiplayer level faster.

The Coalition has designed the game, so players are thoroughly captivated to want more of what they have to offer. In such a way, the latest update from its developers aims to give players the characters they want and purchase them with real money. Players also have the option of choosing which characters they want to have.

The Coalition also released a statement saying that the recent update and the new structure of the game are to respect every player’s choice. The game has earnable items which cannot be purchased while there are purchasable items that cannot be earned during gameplay. The game developer also stressed that there are free items which are totally free.

The new strategy of the game also banks on the idea that players will only choose which cosmetics and heroes they need for their game. New maps and the Hivebuster Escape mode are still free for all to explore. The earnable reward is merely available to players by spending time playing the game. Another aspect of the new game strategy is its transparency when purchasing with the in-game ‘Iron’ currency.

Players always have the visibility to see what they are getting. Unlike other games where a real-money purchase always turns out to be a gamble, Gears 5 offers its players full view of what customizations or heroes they are getting.

The real good news about Gears 5’s new strategy is you always know what you’ll get with your purchase.