Doom Eternal Has Great Platforming Mechanics For More User Engagement, According To Doom Game Director

Credit: Bethesda Softworks via YouTube

The next installment in the highly successful Doom series is Doom Eternal. It’s set to come out March 20, 2020. That isn’t that far away and many are excited about the progression of the series. id Software seems to have taken elements found in Doom 2016 and cranked them up to an eleven. This is clear with the latest trailer, which shows hours of gameplay.

The combat is as intense as ever. Going from one demon to the next seems very fluid. The action is intensified with the iconic metal music playing in the background. You couldn’t ask for a better action-packed experience to be honest.

What is a noticeable change in this game from previous installments is the platforming action. It’s pretty clear in all of the recent trailers that have surfaced. But why did the developer make this pivot when their arena-style combat was already successful?

Fortunately, we don’t have to keep guessing as game director Hugo Martin recently weighed in on the new platforming mechanics. According to him and the developing team, they wanted Doom Eternal to be engaging in every way. That was always the case with the combat arenas. Waves of demons come your way that you can take out in interactive ways. The constant threats keep you engaged in the moment.

However, in previous Doom games, moving from combat arena to combat arena seemed like more of a chore than an activity you looked forward to. That has all changed in Doom Eternal, though. Now, moving around the different arenas will be just as fun thanks to the enhanced platforming mechanics. Jumping over rocks and moving to higher elevations seem like fun sequences.

This noticeable change really makes Doom Eternal more well-rounded. That’s the type of progression you want to see in a beloved franchise like this. It shows id Software is not content to rest on their laurels and just repeat the same formula over and over. Instead, they want to progress the Doom series with every installment. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed.

In fact, because of the platforming mechanics and the improved shooting/weapon variety, Doom Eternal seems like the best installment to date. It seems like the sky is the limit so long as the developer continues to push boundaries where they’re warranted. March is just around the corner and it’s clear Doom fans are excited about this latest installment. It could even set records commercially out of the gate.