Daemon X Machina And The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Free Collaboration DLC Announced

Credit: Daemon Machina Website

Daemon X Machina is a fast-paced action game from Kenichiro Tsukuda. His team worked on Armored Core and Super Dimension Fortress Macross series. Tsukada has moved on to create a unique mech experience.

Marvelous Entertainment developed the title, and it is published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch.

From the official Nintendo Switch store page: “When the moon tore apart, the sky bled red with light, ushering in an apocalyptic new age…and to survive, you must fight. As a mercenary, defend Earth through high-speed combat against corrupted robots in a series of missions from the cockpit of your Arsenal, a fully customizable mech. Equip your Arsenal with a vast array of parts and weapons, obtain more from downed enemy Arsenals, and swap them on the fly to suit your strategy in the face of ever-rising threats.”

Daemon X Machina has announced an unusual new cross over with CD Projekt Red. Geralt and Ciri from The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt will be joining the Daemon X Machina as part of a new DLC.

The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt was released in 2015 but continues to be popular with fans. Geralt has made several cameos in different titles in the past four years. The live-action adaptation of the novels, not the games, is also being released this month. There’s still plenty of excitement for Geralt’s unusual adventures.

While players may question the newest collaboration, this isn’t the first crossover announced for the game. Previously, Code Geass and Eureka Seven were added as DLC to the delight of fans.

Geralt and Ciri won’t have unique roles or new story content in the game. Their collaborations are basically skins that are used to customize mechs. They include a variety of parts that, when combined, recreate Geralt and Ciri.

Since the game features customizable characters, players can create unique protagonists using “parts” from Geralt and Ciri. Those who prefer to keep the characters in-tact can merely pretend that Geralt was tossed into a portal and got lost, similar to his Soulcalibur VI and Monster Hunter World appearances.

Daemon X Machina is currently available on the Nintendo Switch. Unfortunately, this collaboration is now only available in Japan’s Switch eShop, but it may be released on other versions worldwide in the future.