Blizzard Is Conducting A Survey To Gauge The Community’s Opinion On The Microtransactions In Overwatch 2

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The newly implemented microtransactions are not well received by anyone, even though Overwatch 2 has received positive feedback for several of the game’s alterations. Since the rate at which coins are unlocked has slowed to a snail’s pace, anyone who wants to buy skins will have to pay with real money. The Battle Pass has also been subjected to criticism, notably over its free tier, as many individuals believe that it requires too much grinding.

Now, players have the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction with these changes. Users of Overwatch 2 are being asked about the in-game purchases they’ve made and the motivations behind those decisions as part of a survey that is now being distributed. In addition, players who have not spent any money on the game are given a chance to vent their frustrations with the game’s microtransaction system by answering a few questions in the survey.

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Even though only some have access to the survey now, one of the players has shared the results with the rest of us so that we may all see them. We can see from this that it is wholly preoccupied with our shopping behaviors, inquiring about what we have purchased and why. In addition, there is a space for you to jot down your ideas and suggestions regarding how the Battle Pass and the in-game payment system might be improved.

The photos uploaded by the user Kevombat on Reddit show that the players requested that the pricing of skins is reduced by eighty percent and that it should be easy to gain gold through gameplay. This should not come as a surprise in light of the previous Halloween event’s controversy.

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During that event, bundles of in-game content consisting of skin, an emote, a player emblem, and a highlight intro was sold for $26 worth of the game’s virtual money. Even worse, to purchase a $26 value of coins, you must shell out the much more significant sum of $50.