A Documentary From Noclip Showed The Gameplay Of The Canceled DOOM 4 And The Early Version Of DOOM(2016)

Credit: GN24

And also the storyboard of the game’s introductory level in 2016.
Noclip received gameplay clips directly from id Software and Bethesda in 2016 when the documentaries were making a video about the development of DOOM (2016).

Some of the footage shown in 2022 could already be seen, but they also presented a schematically drawn introductory level and gameplay from DOOM technical demos.

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Previously, documentaries from Noclip showed an hour of gameplay of Ravenholm, the canceled Half-Life game created by the Arkane studio, known for Dishonored.

Before the cancellation of Dome 4, there was a period of rapid development, with the initial concept revolving around the Rise of Hell on Earth and being told through a Call of Duty-like campaign.

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In a conversation with NoClip before the release of DOM 2016, executive producer Marty Stratton said the game lacked personality and felt like a Call of Duty clone. It was suggested that this version of the DOM be plugged in.

In a previous post, It was developed in 2007, but never released. Ravenholm was supposed to tell about Shepard from the Opposing Force, who, according to the plot, went to the infected Ravenholm and explored it with his father, Grigory.

Ravenholm was developed by Arkane, known for Dishonored and Prey (2017). Production was brought only to the creation of an alpha version, after which it was stopped since Valve decided that the theme of zombies and headcrabs had exhausted itself.

The gameplay of the canceled game was shown by the documentary studio Noclip. She managed to get access to the recording while filming a film about the history of Arkane.

Noclip noted that the gameplay video was recorded in 1080p resolution but published on YouTube in 4K.

In addition to the gameplay, Noclip’s Danny O’Dwire added comments to Ravenholm from a conversation with Sebastian Mitton, Art Director of Arkane.