Mythic Odysseys of Theros was digitally dropped on June 2nd and since then, players have been enjoying everything the Dungeons and Dragons sourcebook has to offer, from new subclasses and races to new features and abilities. One of these new abilities is a mechanic called Supernatural Gifts.


Supernatural Gifts are abilities or blessings that are granted through a wide variety of supernatural phenomena. Perhaps you serve a god or have met a sphinx or oracle. Maybe you were pulled from the Underworld or swallowed a magical stone as a child.

Whatever your circumstances, these Supernatural Gifts are given to each character upon character creation in MOoT. However, these can also be bestowed by gods or other similarly powerful beings as rewards for remarkable deeds.

These Supernatural Gifts are going to be covered in the article below but also include an optional rule. If your DM allows the optional Feats rules, they may also allow you to take a feat as a variant Supernatural Gift. Any feat that your DM allows may be chosen in place of one of the 9 gifts.

Anvilwrought is the first Supernatural Gift. You were created in the fires of Purphoros’ Forge and gain a variety of benefits from two primary abilities, Constructed Resilience and Sentry’s Rest. Under Constructed Resilience you gain the following benefits:

-You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned and have resistance to poison damage.
-You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
-You are immune to disease.
-You don’t need to sleep and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Sentry’s Rest allows you to spend 6 hours of conscious rest in an inactive, motionless state in order to qualify for a long rest.

Heroic Destiny is the next Supernatural gift, with fate itself seemingly on your side. You were born to accomplish great deeds, and are granted with the Defy Death and Hard to Kill abilities. Defy Death gives you advantage on death saving throws. Hard to Kill allows you to drop to 1 hit point instead of 0 once per long rest.

Next up is Iconoclast and is a rather extensive Gift. Iconoclasts maintain that the gods aren’t worthy of the reverence they receive, and denying the gods so vehemently has granted you a host of magical traits and abilities.

Enlightened Protection – You can cast Protection From Evil and Good once per long rest with this trait, targeting only yourself and without having to expend material components. Wisdom is your spellcasting stat for this trait.
Reject the Gods – You cannot gain or lose Piety with any god, instead gaining magical abilities as you level up. Wisdom is your spellcasting stat for any spells or magical abilities granted.
Iconoclast Hero – Starting at 5th level, you can cast Dispel Magic with this trait once per long rest.
Iconoclast Paragon – At 11th level you can cast Dispel Evil and Good with this trait once per long rest, requiring no material components.
Iconoclast Archetype – You can cast Antimagic Field with this trait once per long rest, requiring no material components. Additionally, when you cast Dispel Magic with this Supernatural Gift, you may cast it as a 5th level spell.


More Mythic Odysseys of Theros content will be covered in future articles.