Plot of the Druid is an upcoming adventure that will take players into beautiful hand-painted scenes. Enjoy a point and click adventure game that is filled with dry wit, magic, and treasure. This game will take players on a wonderfully thrilling adventure into the life of a druid in training.

The developers are planning to release a demo experience of their title onto Steam. This demo will feature an hour worth of gameplay filled with jokes and references to pop culture. Experience the magic of shapeshifting as you travel across a fully voiced world of strange intrigue and travel.

The magic that a druid wields allows them to make earthquakes, turn night to day, and transform into varying animals. This adventure game combines history, legend, and British humor into a unique hand-drawn experience.

Harness the power of nature to solve your problems as you travel through the world as a druid. This entire experience has an old-school design style mixed with a new-age sense of humor.

The game takes advantage of the power behind player choice. As players use their powers to overcome several situations, the game will adapt to your decisions.

Harness the power of nature and solve puzzles in unique and insightful ways. By digging deeper than the surface, fans can try and complete the game their way rather than relying on answers from previous players.

As fans navigate this title they will encounter tons of wacky characters who are all fully voiced. Discover references to both LucasArts and Sierra Games scattered across this title as the developer have hidden unique Easter eggs across the board.

The game will feature two difficulty levels depending on how hard players want this experience to be. After the game has been finished, the hero will complete school and earn players a unique digital certificate signed by the Elder Druids. This certificate would go great on any wall or fridge as a symbol your unique accomplishment.

Experience a unique adventure with over an hour worth of immersive content. There are lots of achievements to be earned and players will be able to experience the game in several languages.

Plot of the Druid will be released full in the first quarter of 2022. Till then, fans can experience the free demo set to release on Steam as of October 15. This free experience will help fans sample the game and decide whether or not it is worth adding to their wishlist.