At launch, the red diamond marker over enemy players in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer will help reduce the number of cases of mistaken identity. As a result of player dissatisfaction with the September Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Beta, this adjustment has been highly requested.


In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Beta, it was difficult to discern between friendly and hostile players. Despite the map landscape being more colorful than in the previous Call of Duty games, players still had difficulty distinguishing friendly operators from enemy operators due to the operators’ more neutral colors, resulting in either recklessly firing at allies or obliviously catching opponents off guard.

As a result, Infinity Ward is introducing anxiety-reducing icons to assist users in relaxing before the multiplayer launch.
In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, players may quickly identify enemies by the red diamond that appears above their heads. If the comments area of the r/ModernWarfare2 subreddit is representative of player opinion, then this update has been well-received. For example, commenters on the image shared by u/sneakysaf agree that the red diamond is easily visible on the map without being too intrusive or giving away a player’s location.

Instead of having an opposing player’s name or gaming tag displayed over their head, this negative marking is preferred. That would have given an unfair edge to those who use shorter names.

However, this symbol has certain flaws. While some players may experience temporary frustration due to the red diamond’s invisibility on sunlit maps, particularly in areas of brilliant light or in portions of the map environment where it blends in, the vast majority of players will likely see this update favorably.


If Modern Warfare 2 was released without this enemy icon, more players would receive warnings or be permanently banned for disruptive behavior, no matter how unintentional it may have been.