Fans are swooning over a new concept art of Imps from DOOM! Have you seen it? The art depicts such cool designs. These little demons are long overdue for an overhaul! Everyone is on tenterhooks to see how these Imps will turn out in the new game.


Gamer Southside Jim commented on these Imps: “Ah, finally the imps look how they’re supposed to look.” Big praise! Apparently everybody agrees that those designs have completely captured the spirit of the classic Imps. They’ve still kept that ferocity we love!

Flashn00b jumped to add an interesting thing. Of course, they claimed, “Their arms are starting to look like organic fireball guns.” Man! This is cool! No more boring fireballs. These Imps seem ready for war!

Some gamers did some joking. ErickGameplaysT chimed in, saying, “I like to think that these motherfuckers got killed so much, that they evolved to run instead of fighting lol.” Haha! What a humorous vision! Just imagine Imps running away instead of attacking; they’re supposed to be those little tough guys!

Not all will be happy with the new design. Olockblock stated, “can get more classically looking.” No doubt having some die-hard fans wishing so much for the classic designs. Change is very often hard to accept.

Everyone is talking about the new Imps for the game. “More weapon and enemy concept art please 😍 this is incredible!!” said Wylie. The wish for more is indeed quite obvious! New weapons and new enemies? Who would not want to blow monsters up with some new fancy gadgets?

Some fans went sentimental. Doomblitz said, “I remember this from Doom: Annihilation! You did better than the previous movie, I gotta say.” Nice to see how new artwork triggers memories of the game!

Gamer MauricioF1x offered: “Looks sick…I love it!” I guess that was the response the makers were wishing for! The new designs have definitely gotten through to the fans. Seems everyone is ready to hop back into action with these Imps.

The fans also proclaimed their love for the concept art. One fan said: “Welcome back buff Imps, we missed you.” How sweet! It’s a good sign that fans are anticipating their return and look forward to battling them again.

There seem to be many opinions circulating about this. How cool it is to see everybody together for a game! The excitement is in the air! From Imps’ jokes to serious discussions about the designs, it is all going on right at this second!

Truly, the new designs for Imps are creating quite the controversy. Fans are adoring the new looks while clamoring for some of the old school. However, one thing is for sure: excitement about DOOM‘s future transcends every border! Buckle up for some all-out action and another adventure!


What about you? Are you excited as well? Continue the conversation! The gaming universe is in a constant state of flux, and we are here for it!