The saga of Jamppi is long-ranging and not looking like it will conclude anytime soon.

The Finnish player received a ban on his Counter-Strike profile in his earlier years for cheating, which he stated was not from him (as is tradition) but instead from a friend that he allowed to borrow his account. Now, a lawsuit that has Jamppi seeking the ability to enter into Majors in spite of his VAC ban has continued unabetted between the two.

Recently, a Finnish magazine has stated to have an exclusive scoop of the court proceedings, where they state that Valve admitted that they knew Jamppi did not cheat on his own account.

This has taken off like the wildfire of rumors often do, with many pointing towards the outlet as proof that Jamppi is going to have his VAC ban overturned.

To be clear, this would set a horrendous precedent for the esport, as those with the financial means to do so could just rake Valve over the various avenues of court to get their VAC bans overturned. This fight isn’t just for Jamppi’s future, it’s for the arguable security of VAC in the future.

There is a timeline where those that can afford to challenge Valve in court have their bans erased, and those without the means to do so are forced into playing a more trustworthy version of the title. A modern ‘have’s versus the have not’s’.

Valve reached out to Richard Lewis were they clarified that matter: at no point did they state that Jamppi’s ban was erroneously applied, and the outlet was frankly incorrect (which has since been fixed in the article in question, which you can peruse here in Finnish:

This can shake up the matter further as many have been requesting that CSPPA do something regarding the ban that, many believed, was levied inaccurately.

This effectively makes Richard Lewis more helpful than the entirety of the CSPPA, if you’re a fan of humor.

This also means that the case has made little reportable headway, aside from the disagreement between the litigation of Jammpi and Valve appearing to remain at an impasse.

Valve appears confident that Jamppi’s VAC ban was correctly applied, and shows little intent to shift that decision regardless of how much court-room theatrics occur. Jamppi likewise remains confident that he’ll be able to squeeze blood from a stone.

As we’ve learned from hundreds of people that Valve has fought with regarding VAC bans in the past decade, they are nothing if not resolute.