Update For PUBG PS4 And Xbox One Versions Add Auto-Equip Feature And Other Quality Of Life Changes

Credit: PUBG Corp

The recent update has been only added to the console versions of PlayerUnknown’s Battleground so PC users will not see the changes as of yet. The update is mainly a quality of life patch. Its primary purpose is to implement the auto-equip attachment feature similar to Respawn’s Apex Legend feature. PUBG Corp. is putting its spin on it, allowing for players to disable and adjust what gets auto-equipped.

In the latest Quality of Life update video PUBG Corp. console live service manager Kate Lee commented that “By reducing the time it takes to equip an attachment, we’re hoping that players can find more time to focus on the strategic part of PUBG, but still enjoy the realistic feel that PUBG is known for.” Whether or not this will increase the strategy factor is unknown, but it reduces the realistic feel the company hopes to achieve.

The feature has already been implemented in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Blackout mode and it is a welcomed sight for PUBG players. When enabled the feature allows players to equip attachments onto a gun they are swapping too automatically. This reduces the amount of time that the console players spend in their menus trying to adjust their loadout and puts the pressure back onto the action side of the game.

The PUBG version of this feature has three available options: Auto Equip Attachments, Auto Equip Score, and Auto Replace Attachments. These options can be enabled and disabled at the player’s discretion.

Auto Equip Attachment will automatically attach any attachment players pick up to the currently equipped firearms. Unlike the Blackout and Apex versions PUBG’s will cycle through your guns and equip the attachment to any empty slot starting with your first primary, then second primary, then your sidearm. Any item that cannot be equipped immediately will be placed in your inventory. Auto Equip Scope does the same thing but only applies to weapon scopes. Auto Replace Attachments transfers all attachments from a gun you drop to a weapon you are picking up.

This update includes more quality of life improvements, including minor bug fixes, minimap changes, and loot rebalances. Details to these changes can be found on the official PUBG website. It should be noted that this update is already live for players on both PS4 and Xbox with many more changes sure to come in the future as the community aids in improving the game.