Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Gets Open Beta Dates From March 1 To March 4

Credit: Instacodez

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 is just a couple of weeks out from its official release. Fans of the first entry are anxiously waiting to see what new features and storylines have been added. Well, that wait is about to end as the game will host an open beta that lasts from March 1 to March 4. A lot of things will be included in this early access.

There will be a total of eight missions, with three main missions and five side missions. They should give players plenty of opportunities to get used to the mechanics and see what improvements have been made since the first game came out. There will also be a PvP skirmish mode and open-world exploration.

To get a sneak peek of what will be available March 1 through March 4, fans can check out the beta trailer. There are a lot of things to mention from it. First off, you can play solo or with a team. The latter is particularly interesting because group tactics probably will be involved. The cohesive group play should make for hours of hostile fun.

The PvP multiplayer is also worth noting. It should give players the chance to immerse themselves in The Division 2’s competitive nature. You’ll have the chance to battle it out with players across the globe, using advanced weaponry to gain an edge. You also have the ability to test out three different agent specializations.

It will be intriguing to see how each class is different from the other, as well as see which class is best for certain combat situations.

As far as the scale of the levels, some force close quarters combat while others are pretty open. The varying degree of scale should change up the pace, forcing players to adapt their strategies with each session completed.

What’s really nice is you don’t need to play The Division to have success with the sequel. The open beta gives you the perfect time to lessen the learning curve before the game launches officially on March 15. One more important thing to mention is the beta will include an endgame mission, where players get to experience the Black Tusk faction for the first time.

This beta seems like the perfect move to build up hype for the game and introduce players to another world of advanced combat. Lastly, the beta is completely free to download for those with a PS4, Xbox One, and PC.