The First-Person Mod Arrives For Spider-Man Remastered

Credit: ign

Marvel’s Spider-Man was developed by Insomniac Games, and it was universally praised for being a superb simulation of what it would be like to swing through New York City as a friendly neighborhood… you know. The game was originally played from a third-person perspective, which makes sense to prevent motion sickness; but, a fantastic-looking mod may soon allow players to experience the most faithful recreation yet of what it would be like to play as Spider-Man.

This new version is being built by JediJosh920, a serial modder and Spider-Man lover. According to the available footage of the mod in action, development has progressed quite a way. By creating a first-person mod for the PC version of Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, the mod attempts to answer the question, “What would real first-person internet in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 look like?”

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Using a first-person perspective, the mod creates a stunning recreation of New York City as seen by Spider-Man perched atop one of the many skyscraper peaks and surveying the sprawling metropolis below. As for the actual act of web-slinging, a normal human being would undoubtedly throw up from motion sickness, thus Spider-Man must have some kind of spidey balance and in-ear change to his body to make it possible.

Those who want to use the mod once it is published will need to have strong stomachs or be experienced in playing VR games to deal not only with the acrobatics of Spider-Man but also with the fact that they are soaring through the air, often hundreds of feet above the earth.

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JediJosh920 is a well-known modder for Marvel’s Spider-Man. Since he created the Spider-Man PC Modding Tool, he is also well-known for assisting other modders with their projects. Other modifications to the game that he has developed by himself include the “Symbiote Black Suit” and the “Miles Morales Suit,” amongst others.