The Developers At BioWare Are Still Dedicated To Making Anthem Better; Will Keep Fans More Up To Date

Credit: BagoGames via Flickr (license)

When the demo for Bioware’s Anthem came out, it showed a lot of promise. A lot of the open-world environments featured sharp visuals, some of the best even for this generation of consoles. Flying around in the Iron Man-like suits is just as awesome as it is in the movies. The mechanics were dialed in spectacularly.

It seemed like Anthem was going to be a huge success at launch. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case. The game was plagued with a bevy of issues, from a lack of content to a depleted mission design. After a while, even the mech flying began to tire. So how could such a promising title fall flat on its face?

Well, reports circulated about the developers rushing the game out before it was really ready. Despite having many years to work on this promising title, deadlines weren’t met and frustration started to set in for Electronic Arts. Despite these shortcomings, it appears the developers are still keen on making Anthem better.

Chad Robertson — head of live services for Anthem — recently weighed in on their unquestioning commitment to the game. He said this via Twitter, ‘’We remain 100% committed to Anthem and look forward to showing players the new content we are working on. We want to make sure we aren’t overpromising, so our updates on what’s coming in the game will be focused when we have things near completion.”

For those holding out hope for this online multiplayer, this is great news. The developers have the chance to really buckle down and add content that the game should have had when it first launched. No game is perfect, though. There are going to be issues with any AAA title as deadlines always loom. It’s how the developers decide to adjust the game going forward is what really matters. Anthem could still be a great game yet.

In addition to pouring time and dedication into fixing Anthem’s bugs and features, the developers want to keep the lines of communication open with users. They are set to put out a community server for PC users, which details when updates will hit Anthem.

This way, PC users can try them out and provide feedback before the updates are officially put out for other consoles. BioWare made a lot of mistakes developing this game, but they now have the chance to right their wrongs and give gamers an online multiplayer worth their time and money.