Spirit Of Glace Is An Open-World Pixel Platformer That Has Appeared Out Of Thin Air, A Complete Rework Of The Original 2004 Platformer Titled Glace

Credit: Gematsu via Youtube

Glace released back in 2004, and quickly it gained popularity as an adorable and fun platforming game. On February 26, 2020, a trailer appeared for the reimagination of the original game. This new version is called Spirit of Glace and brings a complete rework of the original to fans. Not only is it redone, but it also includes expansion content not found in the original title.

This game has been improved based on community feedback, and extra love was given to the gorgeous pixel art world. Spirit of Glace acts as a beautiful example of a loving community mixed with persistent developers creating a beautiful new version of their title.

Players must aid in telling the story of Glace when it suddenly blinks into existence. It must find purpose in a strange world torn that has been torn apart by a mysterious force. The original 2004 classic was played by millions of fans, making this rework a unique experience that you are sure to remember for a long time.

The world is your oyster as you explore the land at your own pace. Find landmarks and revisit old locations by roaming around an overworld map. Find yourself lost in grassy meadows, murky swamps, snowy mounts, mystical moonscapes, and much more as you explore the land.

Spirit of Glace has a strong emphasis on its story and lore providing fans with a bright world full of life. Complimenting this strong story is some fresh platforming action that brings a new twist to the genre. Although brand new to the world, Glace can bounce off floors and spin in the air along with some other snazzy tricks in his toolbox.

The weapons in the game are tons of fun to use, providing more than just a means to combat. As you rebuild the world, you gain more and more power along with aiding in the rebuilding of a small village in the swamp. Protect your secret garden and train your penguin followers as you build up a small rebellion against your enemies.

Like many great indie titles, Spirit of Glace is built to be replayed. A rewind mechanic built into the game encourages players to take all of their earned powers with them when they travel to a new game state. Recycle your playthrough and keep all your relics, abilities, and locations in the next chapter of the adventure.

There is no release date as of yet, but the Spirit of Glace does have a Steam page currently live. This game is expected to be a PC exclusive, so make sure to keep an eye on that page for more information.