Some Early Reviews Are In For Luigi’s Mansion 3, Which Officially Releases On Halloween

Credit: Nintendo via YouTube

A lot of great Switch games have come out in the past few months. October was one of the more important times for the platform, particularly because Luigi’s Mansion 3 is releasing on the 31st. This highly anticipated trilogy has garnered a lot of attention already, and it will be interesting to see if it can move the series forward in a positive direction.

Even though the game doesn’t come out until October 31, some people in the industry have already got their hands on a copy. Thus, some early reviews have started trickling in. So, does this game live up to the hype and is it one of the better installments in an iconic series?

Everyone seems to be in agreement: Luigi’s Mansion 3 hits all of the right notes. Almost every major gaming news platform is giving it high scores, including GameSpot, Comic Book, IGN, and Game Informer. These are some heavy-hitters in this space, so if they’re all in agreement, then you know Luigi’s Mansion 3 is something special.

This latest installment does a great job at keeping the same elements that have made the previous games successful. For example, creeping around the ghostly mansion with Luigi, who has a vacuum-powered weapon attached to his back, is an amazing time. The environments have been perfected by the developers at Next Level Games. The graphics give the game a lot of charm and there’s a good bit of variety that keeps your eyes fully immersed in the charming experiences.

The multiplayer does have a few good modes worth checking out, but the main campaign is the heart of this third installment according to a lot of early reviewers. Additionally, the puzzles seem to be a huge standout right from the start.

Some of them are challenging and will take some thought as well as trial and error, but the added difficulty just makes them that much more satisfying to complete. Solving a puzzle you’ve worked on for almost an hour is a huge payoff that you’ll never really grow tired off. The developers incorporate a good mix of easy and medium challenges as well, so you won’t feel like all you’re doing is struggling.

If you’re in the mood for an amazing platformer with some beautiful graphics you won’t ever get tired of looking at, Luigi’s Mansion 3 is the game to get for the Switch. The fact that it comes out on Halloween is just icing on the cake.