Rocket League’s Radical Summer Releases Knight Rider Car Pack DLC For Download Next Week

Credit: Rocket League via YouTube

Since June 22nd, Rocket League has hosted a summer event called “Radical Summer,” and it’s entirely 1980s-themed. All of the new car packs are based on famous 80s cultural icons. Does that sound similar to the nostalgia-hyping Stranger Things, anyone?

Next week, the game will release the Knight Rider Car Pack, which includes new cosmetic features based on the hit David Hasselhoff show. The original Knight Rider featured a talking car, K.I.T.T., short for Knight Industries Two-Thousand. The DLC pack will include two K.I.T.T. items—a set of brand new wheels and a gullwing topper—and it will only cost $1.99. Too bad a talking artificial intelligence isn’t included as well.

The Radical Summer event kicked off a few weeks ago and still has a few more to go. The Knight Rider Car Pack is Rocket League‘s offering for the Radical Summer’s third week. The event includes a new game mode based on the Ghostbuster movies. In Ghost Hunt, players (in a three-on-three match) will need to use photon streams to capture the ghost ball and place it into the other team’s containment trap. There’s even a Ghostbuster Car Pack featuring items from the iconic Ghostbuster hearse.

The event will feature more DLC Car Packs over the next few weeks. Other items will include things from Back to the Future, ET, The Goonies, and Karate Kid. But there will likely be surprises too.

Rocket League, initially developed by Psyonix, was first released for Windows and PlayStation 4 in 2015. Ever since its release, the game has remained a mainstay for its innovative and intuitive simplicity. The game revolves around its online multiplayer, where teams of RV-like cars attempt to bounce a giant bouncing ball into the other team’s goal.

The Knight Rider show ran from 1982-86 and starred David Hasselhoff as Michael Knight. His talking car was both technologically sophisticated and artificially intelligent. Most of the action of the show involved Knight using his car to fight against organized crime. Now it can be used to push a ball into a goal.

Nostalgia-hype for the ’80s has become increasingly popular lately. Stranger Things, the popular Netflix show that takes place in the ’80s, has found wild success in its depiction of the decade. The successful show even has its own video game following the events of its recently released Season 3. So it’s no surprise games are trying to capitalize on the trend.

Rocket League‘s Radical Summer will continue until August 12th. Grab the Knight Rider Car Pack next week if you’re a huge fan of the ’80s. Or even if you’re just a fan of David Hasselhoff.