Resident Evil Ambassadors Receive Email Announcing An Upcoming Unannounced Title

Credit: Resident Evil 3 via Steam

Resident Evil 3 plus RE: Resistance was announced a few weeks ago. Long-time fans are looking forward to the remake since Resident Evil 2 brought the series back to its roots.

Before Resident Evil fans have a moment to rest, Capcom has teased another Resident Evil-related project that may be in the works.

Members of the Resident Evil Ambassador program get the first look into all of Capcom’s RE-related plans. Besides deals on games, they also receive invitations for events before everyone else.

The Resident Evil Ambassador team recently received an update email from the producer in charge of the program, Tsuyoshi Otani. The email was shared on Reddit.

Otani spoke a bit about The Game Awards and their hopes to win an award for Resident Evil 3 in 2020.

The email goes on to state, “Also, as limited offers to Ambassadors, we have invitations to a playtest session of our unannounced title and priority seats at our game show booth.”

Ambassadors have to apply to be part of the playtest to be eligible for selection.

Unfortunately, there’s no more information about what this title may be. Since it was sent to the Resident Evil ambassador program, it’s unlikely the game will be related to the recent trademark filing of the Dino Crisis.

Players speculate that the new title may be related to Resident Evil 8. All fans can do now is wait for further information from Capcom.

The email also announced a ranking system is coming to the RE Ambassador program. They include four different types of Ambassador Cards. The higher ranking a user is, the most exclusive rewards they can win. More top-ranking users are also considered first in testing beta registrations than lower ranks.

Previously, RE Ambassadors play tested Project Resistance, which turned out to be RE: Resistance, which is being packaged with Resident Evil 3. The players didn’t know all the details. They were only testing the overall gameplay and server stability. Thanks to online capabilities, more publishers and developers are asking fans to test their games before they launch.

Gamers interested in becoming a Resident Evil Ambassador are in luck. Registration is currently open to those aged 17 and older.

Resident Evil 3 launch on April 3, 2020 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.