Raw Fury Announces Nine Upcoming Games Including Sabel Plus The Signifier

Credit: The Signifier via Raw Fury

Publisher Raw Fury has announced its list of titles coming soon. The games cover a variety of genres, giving players plenty to choose from. The upcoming games will be released on various platforms and already have teaser trailers.

The upcoming games include: Atomicrops, West of Dead, Night Call, Star Renegades, The Signifier, Call of the Sea, Sable, Per Aspera, and Backbone.

Atomicrops is a bullet-hell roguelike and farming simulator developed by Bird Bath Games. Players have to defend the very last farm in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. The title was the first in the list to launch on May 28 for PC, Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch.

West of Dead is a twin-stick cover shooter developed by Upstream Arcade. The game stars William Mason (voiced by Ron Perlman) in the gritty world of Purgatory. Players can dodge behind cover in the unknown procedurally generated hunting grounds. The game is planned to launch this Summer for PC/Mac, Xbox One, Xbox Gamepass, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch.

Night Call, a narrative noir and mystery title by Monkey Moon and BlackMuffin, has players working as a cab driver in Paris. Players get citizens to spill their secrets to solve crimes. The game launches this Summer on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, as was previously released on PC.

Star Renegades by Massive Damage is a tactical rogue-light set in an endless interplanetary rebellion against The Imperium. It launches in Q3 2020 for PC/Mac, Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch.

The Signifier is a first-person tech-noir mystery game from Playmestudio that will let players explore the “unconscious realms of objective and subjective memories.” It’s out this year for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

Call of the Sea from Out of the Blue is a first-person adventure puzzle game where a woman is seeking her missing husband. The game will launch this year for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

Sable is an open-world adventure game by Shedworks where players journey across a desert to learn about the alien planet’s world. It launches this year on Xbox One.

Per Astera by Tlön Industries is all about terraforming Mars, which is more difficult than it seems. The game uses geographical data from NASA. Per Aspera is planned to launch this year for PC.

Backbone by EggNut is a role-playing detective game starring a raccoon in a trench coat working on a routine case when things get messy. The game launches next year for PC/Mac, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

All of Raw Fury’s games are expected to launch this year or in 2021, giving players plenty to look forward to in the upcoming months.