PlayStation 4 Remote Play Coming To The Switch Would Be Amazing If Rumors Turn Out To Be True

Credit: SwitchForce via YouTube

It’s pretty rare when major gaming companies work together. The gaming industry is competitive and the companies at the top typically do everything they can to maintain their dominance. We’ve seen these tactics from companies like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. Every once in a blue moon, though, collaboration between industry titans happens. It’s rare but gets so many in the industry excited.

Another collaboration could be on the horizon between PlayStation and Nintendo. Remote Play for the PS4 has been an important resource that has helped Sony get into the streaming market alongside Google with their Stadia. For the most part, it’s a pretty amazing feature. Not too long ago it received an update that lets PS4 users play their favorite games on mobile devices. These include smartphones, tablets, and computers.

All users have to do is download the appropriate app and enter in their PSN details. In seconds, they can stream remotely as long as they have access to an internet connection. It opens up the PS4 to so many more gaming experiences.

Now, this software could be making its way to the Nintendo Switch. That’s right. This rumor was brought on by a survey that was sent to a Reddit user. It details Remote Play possibly coming to multiple devices, with the Switch being on that list. It should be mentioned that this is just a survey. It’s not a confirmation from Nintendo or Sony.

Still, many are taking this rumor and running with it. On paper, Remote Play on the Switch seems like a great idea. It gives owners of both consoles the ability to keep their games on one device. In this case, you would have your Switch titles and then be able to access your PS4 titles on the Switch via streaming.

Having these games all under one platform thanks to Remote Play makes it easier on gamers. Playing PS4 games on a Switch also is such a novel idea that it instantly is appealing. We’ve never seen this type of software collaboration before. It could be where things are heading as we approach the next wave of consoles.

Hopefully for Switch owners, where there’s smoke there’s fire. It’s about time companies start ditching their cut-throat tactics in favor of shared experiences. Gamers would benefit in the end and the industry could grow to unprecedented heights. Let’s see where this story takes us in a couple of months.