No Brakes Games Has Another $10,000 Competition For Levels In Human: Fall Flat

Credit: NoBrakesGames via YouTube

Human: Fall Flat is the adorable physics puzzle title that has players controlling rather slippery and silly humans through wild environments, attempting to solve puzzles while staying upright.  It’s done well on all platforms that it has released on, and offers hours of entertainment whether you opt to go at it alone, or with a couple of friends.

Recently the developer of Human Fall Flat, No Brakes Games, hosted a level design competition with winners being offered $10,000; they actually picked two winners of the level design competition in that event, with both levels receiving plans to get some polish and be released into the standard game.

Once again, No Brakes Games is turning to the modding community with a sizeable chunk of cash readily in hand for whoever can come out on top.  Another $10,000 is up for grabs for the modder that can make the best map; this time, however, the map needs to be sport-themed.  The sport that is featured is up to the modders, and they can choose any sport they desire for the competition.  This competition has actually been underway already and is set to close on March 1st of 2020.

Still, $10,000 for two weeks of work is a paycheck that most of us dream of commanding; or at least I do.

There’s more than money here at stake, however, although the cash bonus is absolutely an incentive.  The ability to have your work published across multiple platforms for others to explore and adventure through, solving your witty puzzles with the surprisingly top-heavy characters is an opportunity that isn’t offered every day.

It’s digital immortalization, without needing to turn all of your hair gray with game development stresses.

With their workshop tools that No Brakes Games is offering intrepid modders, it’s relatively easy to get started as long as you’re a bit familiar with development environments from titles past.  Worth noting that the terms and conditions of the competition aren’t readily available to be found; all links from the Steam announcement, along with links from Curve Digital’s website, currently aren’t operating properly.

If building levels and competing for money doesn’t interest you, take heart; the levels that everyone is working so hard on right now will soon be playable on the workshop, and No Brakes Games have stated that they’re expecting to bring a lot more content to the movement simulator title during 2020.  In terms of what content fans can expect, they have yet to be forthcoming about; it may be more mod competitions, it may be expansions or something new entirely.