Microsoft Has Rolled Out An Update For Gamertags, Allowing Users To Choose Any Name They Want Within 12 Characters

Credit: Well Played

Microsoft rolled out an update for Xbox One Consoles, which includes gamertag changes.

Microsoft has updated gamertags to give Xbox users more choice on how they represent themselves, even if a name is already taken.

Gamertags will now support up to a maximum of 12 characters, and it will also auto-generate a suffix.

Microsoft has released 13 different alphabets for gamers to use, which represents over 200 languages throughout the world.

If a new Xbox gamer wants to create a gamertag, but the name they want is already taken, a suffix will be attached to differentiate the users. This goes for a current gamer that wants to change their name as well.

The suffix will appear everywhere except on the friends list, so gamers will see the suffixes in-game.

The suffix will be autogenerated with a certain number of digits. The number of digits is determined by the length of the name the gamer has chosen. There will be a # associated with each suffix, as well. So, if an Xbox One user creates a name with twelve characters, the system will auto-generate a three-digit suffix. If a user creates a name with eleven characters, the system will auto-generate a four-digit suffix, and so on.

Gamers will not be allowed to customize or change their suffix as it is auto-generated.

If players want to share their gamertag with a friend, Microsoft advises them to share the name along with the suffix to avoid confusion and to avoid the possibility of adding the wrong person.

As some gamers may remember, gamertag names used to be up to sixteen characters. However, the name has been reduced to twelve to make room for the suffix that will be attached to it.

Gamers can change their gamertag for free right now, regardless if they’ve changed it in the past. However, if they choose to change it again, it will cost them $9.99 USD.

Just because this new update has come out for gamertags doesn’t mean Xbox gamers have to change theirs. Microsoft wants to reiterate that if a player doesn’t want to update their gamertag, they do not have to, and no further action is required. A suffix will not be generated to previous gamertags that remain untouched.
The reception from users towards the new gamer tag update will be interesting since gamers can now choose any name they want; however, they will be assigned a suffix which they’ll need to remember if they are to share their gamertag.