LCS – Team Solo Mid Reverse Swept Golden Guardians In League Championship Series 2020 Playoffs

Credit: LoL Esports via YouTube

The lower bracket of the 2020 LCS Summer Playoffs continued today with an electrifying match between Golden Guardians and TSM. In a close League of Legends series, TSM secured the 3-2 victory over their opponents, completing the reverse sweep and eliminating the Guardians from playoffs.

The match kicked off with a commanding start from Golden Guardians, who secured two quick wins. Golden Guardians support Huhi had a standout performance throughout the first two matches, opening up many opportunities for the rest of his team to single out kills around the map.

Despite being one loss away from elimination from the 2020 season, TSM pulled together to win the next two games. Time and time again, TSM’s mid laner Bjergsen led the charge to keep the series within reach.

But even after losing the Infernal Soul in the final game, TSM managed to win an explosive fight at the Elder Dragon with a powerful turnaround from TSM top laner Broken Blade on Renekton. In a never ending back-and-forth between the two teams, throwing objectives to one another, TSM punished Golden Guardians in a final fight, closing out the series in their favor.

Team Solo Mid came under fire recently for a tweet saying they’ll choose the better player as a support starter. Biofrost started the 2020 Summer Split with TSM’s main team but played to mixed results. Although the first four weeks of the season looked decent enough, a 0-2 weekend against Cloud9 and Immortals prompted the coaching staff to make some changes.

The 23-year-old finished his 10-game stint in the regular season with four kills, 78 assists, and 30 deaths. He also had a low kill participation percentage, taking part in only 65 percent of his team’s overall takedowns.

Treatz made his LCS debut in week six and has looked decent since then as well. In eight games, he racked up 65 assists and only six deaths. He also had a sky-high kill participation percentage of 79.5 percent but had slightly worse warding numbers than Biofrost.

In a recent interview, Doublelift explained he and Treatz were having some synergy issues due to their differences in playstyle. The veteran marksman is usually a lot more aggressive in lane, while the rookie support plays a bit more reserved.

Doublelift also said he and Treatz don’t seem to be on the same page yet in terms of playstyle. The 27-year-old is used to playing a lot more aggressively, while his support hasn’t really played with someone as aggro as him. As a result, Treatz plays farther back and the duo plays more scared than they probably should.

Doublelift thinks the team has played well in scrims. But he said the added pressure of the playoffs is hurting them at the moment and that they aren’t doing the same things they would in scrims because of this “nervous energy.”