Final Fantasy 7 Remake Shows Off Three PlayStation 4 Dynamic Themes Via The Game’s Official Twitter Account

Credit: Square Enix

When you get to play Final Fantasy VII Remake next month, you’re going to be able to model your entire PlayStation experience after the long-awaited title.

Square Enix showed off three amazing dynamic PS4 themes via the game’s official Twitter account, highlighting a number of different moments and characters from the remake of this PlayStation 1 era classic.

Square also promised that these were not the only themes we were going to get.

“Today we’re giving you a closer look at three dynamic PS4 Final Fantasy VII Remake themes,” the official tweet said. “These aren’t the only themes available, and we’ll be posting more over the coming weeks. First is a free theme available from April 10th, if you download the Final Fantasy VII Remake demo before May 11th.”

This theme should look familiar, as it is one of the many marketing images released by the company. It shows off the entire party, featuring Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Aerith, and Red XIII. They are standing at the end of an incomplete highway as the sun rises, while the looming Shinra building lies in shadow in the background.

It plays music from the game and features sound effects that go along with the game’s menu.

The second theme that was highlighted shows off the megacity of Midgar. It is an evolving dynamic theme, switching from a full view of the entire city to a very familiar sight of Cloud, buster sword in hand, looking up at the Shinra building.

This theme will be made available to all PlayStation+ subscribers.

An older version of this image was the box artwork for the original Final Fantasy VII, 23 years ago. It has been recreated for the remake and will be the box art for the North American release.

This theme features the game’s classic battle theme music.

The third and final theme shown off by Square is an Amazon pre-order exclusive in the United States, also being offered through a number of retailers in Europe.

It shows Sephiroth, the villain of Final Fantasy VII in all of his sinister glory while the Shinra theme plays in the background.

Final Fantasy VII Remake will be dropping everywhere for the PlayStation 4 on April 10, 2020. It is a full remake of the original 1997 release of Final Fantasy VII. Originally, this game was set to have come out already, but development issues caused Square Enix to push the release back several weeks into April.