Exit The Gungeon, The Sequel To The Critically-Acclaimed Bullet Hell Platformer Gungeon, Drops For Windows And Nintendo Switch

Credit: Steam

It seems to be a general rule in this world: The older you get, the more you learn to love the tiny little adventure games at the expense of the longer slogs. Why? Well, you get too busy to sink 70 hours into a video game in such a short period of time. You get caught up in too many things going on at once. Or so it seems anyway. So you end up loving those tiny titles you can run through really quickly and just get on with your life.

That’s probably where this gem of a game, Exit The Gungeon, really makes all of that dough. And this is one for the history books, folks. We are talking about guns, dungeons, fun, and a platformer you will likely remember for all of time if you are actually lucky, which it seems you are. So get out your pen and paper, what you’re about to read is going to break it all down so you can get a handle on the true excellence we have all come to know as the powerhouse, Exit The Gungeon.

The first title in this series was called Gungeon, and it was about, you guessed it, fighting through a dungeon with all kinds of guns and stuff. They call this genre “bullet hell” for a reason. The reason being that it is like going through a hell composed of bullets.

There’s just bullets everywhere, and you have to dodge them and stuff while shooting back.

Now, this sort of thing can quickly get confusing really fast. Because there are all kinds of little blips all over the screen. You can quickly become a victim of sensory overload, and if you are not paying enough attention to get through all of the little blips, then you will invariably die. So get out there and be a bit careful, yeah? But that’s not all. In this edition, Exit The Gungeon, the characters are riding an elevator.

Talk about insanity. So the thing ends up being all top-down this time, and we know gamers historically are incapable of making it through something that is all top and down, all top and down. So you need to be extra careful to beat this bullet hell platformer. The bosses are totally cute and stuff too, which is what makes the entire experience worth it in the books. Be sure to get a copy for Nintendo Switch or Windows PC.