Dungeon Scrawl Open Beta Lets Players Plan And Create Dungeon Maps Online For Free

Credit: Dungeon Scrawl Official Website

With tabletop RPGs, players often use paper, writing utensils, dice, and rule books to play the game. For those preparing the game, creating a custom dungeon can be challenging, especially if creating a dangerous map from scratch.

A new website called Dungeon Scrawl, developed by Keir (ProbableTrain) is helping anyone who needs assistance, creating a custom map. Creating custom maps isn’t just for tabletop RPG players. Any game developer that needs an extra hand creating a dungeon can use the website to plan ahead.

Currently, the website is seeking beta testers to try out the site. A short trailer contains further information about the site, such as using the Stairs Tools, map styles, and layering. The website has more information on how to use the tool, along with a list of keybinds and other tips and tricks.

Creators begin by clicking “Start Scrawling” on the main website. They are then brought to the main page, where it looks like a graphics software program. The current news and updates open in a new window in the middle of the page. From there, creators begin making their maps by dragging a square onto the grid-based screen. The cursor snaps to the grid.

After creating the first room, players can further plan the routes and passageways of their dungeons. Players can use the various tools to make rooms of any size and shape. There’s even an option to make mirrored or symmetrical rooms.

After creators have finished making their custom dungeon, they can export their map in multiple formats, including PNG, SVG, STL, and PDF. If players choose PDF format, they can adjust the paper size and orientation to print it out. If players only want to print out a portion of a larger screen to share with a friend without spoiling the entire map, they can print out a selected section through the website.

The development of the project is assisted by Patreon backers. Thanks to these backers, the developer can release Dungeon Scrawl free with no paywalls, ads, or locked features. The project has been in progress since May 8 but has launched for beta testing in June.

Those who want to participate in beta testing should remember the tool is in active development, with new features often being added. Players who experience bugs should report them as soon as possible.

Keir also posted a Road Map with planned features and currently reported issues that are being resolved in future updates. Players can check out the official website, Discord server, or interact with the developer on Reddit.

Dungeon Scrawl’s website is available now.