Double XP Weekend Is Live For Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare So Get Grinding While Playing The LTM Grind

Credit: Call of Duty

Cancel the plans and get someone else to walk the dog, its Double XP Weekend on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. A staple of the franchise, players can earn double the experience points when they queue into matches all weekend.

As players are trying to climb up the tiers in the Season 1 Battle Pass, there is no better time to have a long gaming session than weekends like these.

Although the insanely popular Shoot the Ship limited-time mode has been removed, Modern Warfare gamers still have a lot to play. Shoot House 24/7 has replaced Shoot the Ship as this playlist has proven to be one of the most played modes in the game.

Infinity Ward has also brought in a new limited-time mode to replace Drop Zone, and that’s Grind!

Veteran players may remember this game mode from Call of Duty: Ghosts and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare as well as other variations of it in multiple franchise games.

On the official Call of Duty blog, a massive piece on strategies and tactics has been written for Grind, so players can check that out if they’re interested.

Grind takes objectives from two game modes, Kill Confirmed and Hardpoint, to challenge players in various ways. The game mode features two teams. Whenever a player kills an enemy opponent, they will drop a dog tag like in Kill Confirmed. It’s up to the gamers to pick up these dog tags and then take them to an objective location to score a point.

Players can pick up multiple dog tags at once, and they can also pick up their dead teammates’ dog tags as well, which will stop enemies from getting it. The objective location, just like Hardpoint, will rotate throughout the map periodically throughout the match.

Since this is a limited-time mode, Grind will only be around for a couple of weeks at most. Modern Warfare has a revolving door of game modes, so get grinding in Grind while the opportunity is there!

Double XP Weekend has been around for years, and it’s always exciting when it drops. For this season’s Battle Pass, there are so many great rewards to work towards, and this weekend makes progressing a lot quicker.

For many gamers, hanging out with friends and family can wait until next weekend. This weekend is for taking care of business, and that business involves a lot of headshots and camper killing.