Disabling In Overwatch 2 After Discovering A Severe Flaw In One Of Her Abilities, Matches Will No Longer Include The Hero Mei For A Short Period

Credit: IGN

Mei, the damaged hero of Overwatch 2, has had her Ice Wall deactivated because of a problem. On October 31st night, Blizzard made the news. Mei is the third character in Overwatch 2 to be removed from play since the game’s early October release.

According to a tweet from Blizzard’s customer service Twitter account, Mei will be disabled in Overwatch 2 owing to a problem that allows her Ice Wall to be erected in unexpected places. Florida Mayhem’s exploit from a previous Overwatch League game appears to be back. Some Mei players have even been said to be able to traverse or vault over their personal Ice Wall. In addition, Trolling players frequently use Mei’s Ice Wall to obstruct pathways. Hence Blizzard has decided to disable her.

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The next Overwatch 2 hero balancing update won’t go live until November 15. Thus Mei won’t be playable until then. Uncertainty surrounds Mei’s dismissal. Some players find the hero annoying because of her ability to freeze and kill enemies with a sly grin on her face in Overwatch 1. The character’s absence has unsurprisingly angered her legion of devoted followers, who now have one fewer hero from which to choose.

Since the release of Overwatch 2, this is the third hero to be permanently removed. After several exploits were identified that allowed Bastion and Torbjorn’s powers to last longer than intended, they were removed from game modes for a few weeks.

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Because of these problems, some of Overwatch’s most devoted players have called for a boycott of Overwatch 2 to get Blizzard’s attention. The main reason players plan a boycott is the game’s item prices. However, this category could also include the recent disclosure that another hero has been deactivated owing to issues. In addition, although the gameplay from match to match occasionally feels fantastic, the game’s many problems throw a pall over the experience as a whole.