Darksiders Warmastered Edition Is Free For PC Gamers On The Epic Games Store

Credit: IGN via YouTube

The Epic Games Store is keeping the giving spirit alive into 2020. Right now, there are a ton of freebies that aren’t just games of minimal value. Quite the contrary; they’re major AAA titles that have gone on to achieve so many awards in the year that they released. One of these free offerings is Darksiders Warmastered Edition.


This hack and slash game by Vigil Games will be available on the Epic Games Store all the way until January 9. To claim your free copy, all you need to have is an Epic account — which is completely free to create.

The Warmastered Edition is nice in that it has better graphics and performance specs. It’s pretty much the premiere way of playing this original that started an epic franchise.

If you haven’t had the chance to play the first Darksiders, it still holds up today in 2020. The hack and slash action is simple to master, yet deep in the number of moves you gain access to and the weapons you collect.

You get to play as War, one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. He’s been tricked by evil forces set on bringing about the end of the world. Facing the punishment of death by the Charred Council, War is forced to return back to Earth to figure out what clandestine forces are at play.

Along War’s journey, he runs into a diverse cast of characters. Some are out to aid him in his journey and others are not so forthcoming with their intentions. The developers have created quite the groundwork for this epic franchise.

As you progress in the game, War will earn new abilities. Some improve his dueling abilities with his large and menacing sword while others give him more health. There are plenty of incentives to keep you going forward, making it easier to take out bosses standing in your way of finding out the truth.

It’s rare that a game like Darksiders ages so well. Even though it has been a decade since it was first introduced, picking it up today still feels fun. War is also one of the best Four Horseman featured in the series.

If you’re looking to pick up Darksiders Genesis — which released on December 5 — then this original is a great way to refresh your memory on War and his story. You’ll get even more hyped for War and Strife’s journey in the latest installment.

For a game that started so many amazing installments over the years, Epic Games is really doing PC gamers a solid with this offering.