There have been several vampire games that have made a huge impact on the gaming industry, and one of those is the Vampire: The Masquerade series. These games put you front and center of vampire lore and culture. Every game has a twist on the RPG genre in some fashion. The last installment — Coteries of New York — is shaping up to be quite the adventure.


It was originally supposed to release on December 4, but according to the developer, the target date is being pushed back a week. That’s not that big a deal if you’ve been anxiously waiting to get your hands on a copy, but it seems like Draw Distance just wants to get everything right.

A launch a week later will give them even more time to iron out details with gameplay, ensuring a user-friendly experience for players at launch. Although delays are never what interested fans want to hear, they are sometimes necessary and are a huge reason why developers can make the last minor touches. A week delay really ins’t that big a deal in the grand scheme of things.

It will certainly be worth the anticipation judging by what we know of Coteries of New York thus far. The story revolves around two rivalry vampire factions: The Camarilla and Anarchs. You’ll have the chance to create your own character and select from multiple clans to join. Each one is distinct and possesses its own history you’ll have the pleasure of learning about.

Since there are multiple clans to select from, there is a lot of re-playability. As soon as you see how the single-player narrative experience ends with one clan, you can play the game again with another one. You’ll see a series of different events that give you even more appreciation for the vampire lore that’s heavily featured.

There are plenty of NPCs to interact with in this game, and how you approach them will determine which quests you go on and how the story plays out. There is thus plenty of weight to ever interaction you have. The visuals also are pretty noteworthy. You really do feel like part of an underworld vampire clan looking to take over the various sections of New York.


Just a little longer now before you’ll be able to experience these unique stories and vampire culture for yourself. Hopefully, Draw Distance gets most of the bugs worked out before launch.