Borderlands 3 Dedicates New Weapon To A Fan With Terminal Cancer, Reddit Community Does Good

Credit: Gearbox

The team at Gearbox let their heart show as they took time out of their development schedule to make a fan’s wish come true. Borderlands 3 is slated for release later this year, and the team working on it has been working tirelessly to make it a huge success.

Trevor Eastman, a 26-year-old Borderland fan, was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. The doctors have told him that he only has a year to live. When he learned this news, he took to Reddit and asked the community to help him reach the developers of his favorite game.

Let it be said that Reddit has a heart as they reached the developers and made an extraordinary request come true for this long term fan. “I was given a year to live…I’ve been a huge fan of Borderlands for a long time now…and I don’t know if I’ll live to see Borderlands 3. If there’s any possible way that someone could find a way for me to be able to play it early…I would be forever grateful,” Eastman wrote onto Reddit.

Gearbox got the message and invited him personally to visit the studio for some time with an exclusive preview they had built. Eastman got to play the game for four hours, and at the end the developers let him name a unique item in the game.

The weapon is called Compressing Trevanator, and it is a unique shotgun manufactured by Maliwan. The gun switches between cryo- and fire-type damage and Eastman got to write its descriptive red text: “Trev is gonna get you!”

The weapon is planned to be available in-game when it launches on September 13th. Fans all through the community are excited for Borderlands 3, and the fact that Gearbox and 2k took time out of their day to help a fan is fantastic. It is evident that they care about their community.

This is the first time in Borderlands history that they have done something this personal for a fan. Although their twitter is quick to respond to fan comments to have such an active response to a fan’s, life is unique to 2k and Gearbox.

Not many big game companies are taking the time to help fans on a personal level like this and seeing Gearbox and 2k help Trevor is fantastic. It goes to show how amazing the gaming community is becoming and how much the developers care about their fans.

The game is scheduled to release on Playstation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One. On PC it will be an Epic Games Store exclusive until April 2020.