A New DOOM Eternal Trailer Is Set To Drop Tomorrow, Anticipation Builds For This Demon Slaying Heavy Metal Game From Bethesda

Credit: DOOM Eternal Official Website

A new trailer is getting ready to be released for DOOM Eternal set to drop January 14, 12:30 P.M. EST / 9:30 A.M. PST. There will be a countdown on Twitch through Bethesda starting at 11 A.M. EST. No one is sure what will be in the trailer, building anticipation for all fans on all platforms.

While fans do not know what will be within the trailer, many are speculating that fans will be receiving another look at the campaign mode. This is where players will get to blast and hack through the Hordes of Hell on Earth, and pretty much anywhere else they make an appearance.

The Battlemode trailer released last year, showing off one of the most anticipated features of Doom Eternal. This will be the first Bethesda Softworks game from id Software developed with id Tech 7. This game has been a long time coming after it was delayed last year. Originally the game was due to be released November 2019, but later that date was moved to March 20 this year.

In past updates, players learned that the game would receive maps and demons for the multiplayer mode through free DLC. This will not be the only DLC plan for the game, as Bethesda intends to continue to produce story-related content after the initial launch of the game.

Doom Eternal brings you back to Earth only to find it overcome with a demonic invasion. Your job as the Slayer is to rip and tear through a whole new game. This will be the ultimate combination of speed and power that will push you forward into a whole new first-person challenge.

New weapons bring a whole new meaning to rip and tear. From shoulder-mounted flamethrowers to retractable wrist-mounted blades, you will find mods, guns, and abilities that will make you faster, stronger, and more versatile than ever before.

This game will let you become the ultimate demon-slayer and send those monsters back to hell. Return to the hell of DOOM and enjoy a whole new challenge filled with the carnage that you have grown to love.

DOOM Eternal is set to launch worldwide for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Google Stadio on March 20, 2020. There is a Nintendo Switch release planned for later in the year, but no official date is given. Preorder bonuses will include a free copy of DOOM 64. Get ready to rip and tear through hell in another gore-filled power fantasy that brings you home.