A Gamer Has Earned A Guinness World Record By Playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate For 65 Hours

Credit: nintendowire.com

A new world feat has been obtained. A gamer has done something no one has ever done before, and that is to play a fighting game for 65 hours in a row.

Enter the man known as Ember. Justin Jackson turned on the game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on November 8, and there he sat for hours, sixty-five hours of slashing, dying, thunder bolting, and Kirby smashing.

As per the official Guinness world record rules, Ember was allowed ten minutes of rest per hour.

The original Guinness world record was held by Daniel Bergman, who had a fifty-seven-hour long gaming session, playing Super Smash Bros. as well.

Here is the celebratory tweet posted by the champion himself:


Ember conquered the challenge at an esports gym called Gamer Bus, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and he live-streamed his quest on Twitch, as well.

Now, he does have to wait a few months to claim the official world record, as there is a waiting period when dealing with Guinness World Records.

Ember absolutely crushed the record set by Bregman, outlasting him by eight hours. This will be a tough record to beat, but someday, somehow, someone will rise to the occasion.

However, for now, celebrate with Ember as he took on this unthinkable and heroic endeavor.

He earned this world record playing the immensely popular Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This is a fitting game to win a world record playing, considering the replayability of it as well as it’s critic prowess.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate came out in 2018 and has been a consistent top-ten Nintendo Switch game since it came out.

The base game features 74 crossover characters from multiple franchises, including new characters entering the ring for the first time like Princess Daisy from Mario, Dark Samus and Ridley from Metroid. Characters can be unlocked as well, and many have been added to the game via updates.

The game has excellent ratings, including a 10 out of 10 from Nintendo Life, 93 percent from Metacritic, 9.4 out of 10 on IGN, and 4.5 stars from USgamer. It also received the prestigious golden joystick during the Golden Joystick Awards for Nintendo Game of the Year.

The Super Smash Bros. franchise has been around for twenty years now, and Europe just celebrated the anniversary a few days ago.

There are many fighting franchises throughout the history of gaming, and some have been around a lot longer than Super Smash Bros.

However, in the twenty years that this franchise has been around, it has been a constant top performer and deserves to be in the history books alongside Ember.