It is once again that time for everyone’s faith in humanity to plummet thanks to the Steam Awards, where the most popular titles of the year are haphazardly selected seemingly at random.

We jest, but only slightly: the Steam Awards have been an interesting showcase where users can select any game that they’ve played in the past year (or ones that they haven’t if you’re more inclined to make presumptions or have played it on a console) for a bevy of awards.

The Steam Award categories for 2020 are:

  • Game of the Year Award
  • VR Game of the Year Award
  • Labor of Love Award
  • Better With Friends Award
  • Outstanding Visual Style Award
  • Most Innovative Gameplay Award
  • Best Game You Suck At Award
  • Best Soundtrack Award
  • Outstanding Story-Rich Game Award
  • Sit Back And Relax Award

For every category except one, the nominations must have been released since the 2019 Autumn Sale (the last time the awards were presented).

The only exception regarding the release year is for the Labor of Love Award, which is meant to signify a title that has perhaps been out for a bit longer, yet still regularly receives updates by developers that are eager to continue to fully realize their title for an adoring fan base.

There are of course badges for participating fully in the event; nominating a title for every category, play a title that you’ve nominated for any award, and review (or update) a title that you’ve nominated for the awards.

This is a fantastic opportunity for players to show some love to the titles that have actually helped them through a brutal year of loss, thanks in no small part to the pandemic. This is a rare opportunity for everyone to snub the critics and talking heads that seem to consistently steer them towards the next AAA title rather than a beloved indie gem that never received the notice that you believe it should have.

Alternatively, the title that you believed was properly anticipated could receive a bit more love from the actual users instead of a bunch of pundits in a good old boys club deciding who should get the nominations.

It may be worth noting that the much anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 is not going to be available for this year’s Steam Award; it’s actually releasing shortly after the voting concludes on December 1st, which means that there is a full year for developers to attempt to outclass one of the most anticipated titles in the past decade.

Get out there and make your voices heard, gamers.