Paramount Pictures and Sega Sammy have confirmed that the live-action Sonic the Hedgehog film is getting a sequel. The first film was initially launched on February 14 and was considered a successful video game adaptation launch.

The movie made headlines as the number one opening weekend movie based on a video game. Overall, it was the fourth-best Presidents Day debut for a film, as well. After the COVID-19 outbreak, Sonic the Hedgehog was released early for home devices so more fans could watch it sooner.

Director Jeff Fowler confirmed the news via Twitter and also as an exclusive through Variety.

The Sonic the Hedgehog live-action film is retaining some of the team members who helped make the original a success. Fowler is returning as director with Pat Casey and Josh Miller writing the script.

Hajime Satomi, Haruki Satomi, and Tim Miller have been named as Executive Producers while Neal H. Moritz, Toby Ascher, and Toru Nakahara will be producing.

The first film is based on the Sonic the Hedgehog game series created by Sega. The game stars Sonic as he moves to Earth and learns more about the planet. Sonic teams up with Tom, portrayed by James Marsden, to fight against Dr. Robotnik, played by Jim Carrey. It’s unknown if Tom and Dr. Robotnik will return in the sequel, or played by a new cast.

Over the years, the Sonic the Hedgehog games have seen several adaptations, from spin-off games, cartoons, comics, and more.

Fans of the speedy blue hedgehog were skeptical when the film was first announced. There was a large outcry from some vocal social media users who protested against the first Sonic the Hedgehog reveal. Yuji Naka, who was the lead programmer for Sonic titles, went on social media to discuss the changes. In Japanese, he stated he would like to see a better balance for the character’s head and body. Others commented that the character looked unusual and should appear more like the original video game character.

Tyson Hesse, an artist who has long worked on Sonic-related media, was brought on to head Sonic’s makeover. In November 2019, Sonic’s final film form is revealed to the delight of many.

While some companies may have brushed off the comments, the film team listened. They completely reworked Sonic’s design, which delighted fans who wanted to see the film become successful.

Sonic the Hedgehog, the sequel is currently in the development stage, so there’s little information available now.