Bandai Namco dominated the 2022 Tokyo Game Show with an abundance of Dragon Ball-related announcements. First, the studio announced Dragon Ball: The Breakers and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, a barrage of Kamehameha's to the fans. The Breakers has released an Open Beta, and Kakarot has announced a second season pass and a next-gen update. Bandai Namco summarised the news from this year's Tokyo Game Show in a press statement. Opening things up, it declares the beginning of the first Open Beta for Dragon Ball: The Breakers. The multiplayer game, in which seven survivors must flee from and fight a Raider, will have a demo available from September 21-25. Additionally, Bandai Namco announced that iconic villain Majin Buu would be a playable Raider in the game. In addition, anybody who takes part in the Open Beta and goes on to buy the complete game will receive an Oolong keychain attachment for use in-game. In addition, gamers can link their accounts with Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 to unlock bonus content and other benefits. Meanwhile, improved versions of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is on the way for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. Hopefully, this will allow the game to operate at 60 frames per second instead of the current 30. These updated versions will also be compatible with any downloadable content that has been or will be released. The updated versions of Kakarot come along with the game's fourth downloadable content (DLC) pack. Content from the Dragon Ball Z TV special Bardock: Father of Goku will be included in the upcoming Bardock - Alone Against Fate downloadable content pack. It's a faithful recreation of the original tale from the legendary TV show, and players may experience it in a video game. To accomplish this, you'll have to engage in a boss battle with Frieza and talk to the other Saiyans and members of the Frieza Force.
Bandai Namco dominated the 2022 Tokyo Game Show with an abundance of Dragon Ball-related announcements. First, the studio announced Dragon Ball: The Breakers and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, a barrage of Kamehameha's to the fans. The Breakers has released an Open Beta, and Kakarot has announced a second season pass and a next-gen update. Bandai Namco summarised the news from this year's Tokyo Game Show in a press statement. Opening things up, it declares the beginning of the first Open Beta for Dragon Ball: The Breakers. The multiplayer game, in which seven survivors must flee from and fight a Raider, will have a demo available from September 21-25. Additionally, Bandai Namco announced that iconic villain Majin Buu would be a playable Raider in the game. In addition, anybody who takes part in the Open Beta and goes on to buy the complete game will receive an Oolong keychain attachment for use in-game. In addition, gamers can link their accounts with Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 to unlock bonus content and other benefits. Meanwhile, improved versions of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is on the way for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. Hopefully, this will allow the game to operate at 60 frames per second instead of the current 30. These updated versions will also be compatible with any downloadable content that has been or will be released. The updated versions of Kakarot come along with the game's fourth downloadable content (DLC) pack. Content from the Dragon Ball Z TV special Bardock: Father of Goku will be included in the upcoming Bardock - Alone Against Fate downloadable content pack. It's a faithful recreation of the original tale from the legendary TV show, and players may experience it in a video game. To accomplish this, you'll have to engage in a boss battle with Frieza and talk to the other Saiyans and members of the Frieza Force.