In a new image, Gotham Knights depict the sinister Court of Owls, an organization with immense power in Gotham City. In Gotham Knights, the mysterious group is the main antagonist, and they pose a severe threat to Batman and his loved ones.

In Batman #1 of the New 52, by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, the Court of Owls first appeared. In the comics, Batman enlisted his bat family to aid him in his battle against this nemesis; in Gotham Knights, however, Batman and his allies will have to face the Court of Owls on their own.

The Court of Owls may have been introduced in Batman by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. Still, the villain group has since appeared in numerous Batman media, including the animated film Batman vs. Robin and the television series Gotham. Both Paul Dano, who portrayed the Riddler, and Robert Pattinson, who played Batman, have indicated an interest in returning for a sequel that includes the Court of Owls.

However, Gotham Knights from WB Games Montreal is the next in line to carry the torch for the Court of Owls.

In a new promotional image posted to Twitter, Gotham Knights hint at an upcoming expansion of the Court of Owls plot by showing off members of the secret society and its deadly assassins, known as Talons. Although little is known about the mysterious Court of Owls, each masked figure likely holds a certain rank within the organization, as indicated by their masks. In the image’s background is a cave, which could be a covert outpost, and nails can be seen climbing the rock formations.

In the plot trailer, the Bat-family investigates the possible causes of Batman’s demise while also trying to solve the riddle of Gotham. Following the clues, they find the Penguin, who hints at the threat posed by the ever-present Court of Owls.